Current Registered Attendees

Abeles, DavidPresident & CEOTaylorMade Golf Company
Arnold, JenniferMarketing Group Manager - Golf DivisionRain Bird Corporation - Golf Division
Assell, JoeCEO and Co-FounderGOLFTEC Enterprises
Aznavorian, DaveSenior Director, Transformational InitiativesUnited States Golf Association
Bausback, MeredithSr. Manager AudienceGolf Digest
Beditz, JoeExecutive ChairmanNational Golf Foundation
Bender, MarcManaging PartnerHidden Links, Inc. / Upper Deck Golf
Blakeman, BruceGlobal Communications & Public Affairs ExecutiveHeart + Mind Strategies
Blunt, IanGlobal Brand ManagerInrange Golf UK
Bracher, CharlesCFOConcert Golf Partners
Brennan, LeelaVP of Brand Communications & EngagementParsons Xtreme Golf
Briand, TimDirector of Business DevelopmentForesight Sports
Broderick, AJUS Director of SalesTrackman USA
Broholm, AnneCEOAHEAD, LLC
Brown, DanSales & Marketing ManagerPar Aide Products Co.
Brown, KevinUS Launch ManagerBAL.ON
Bugbee, TomChief Operating OfficerCourseCo, Inc.
Butler, JeremyDirector of Sales and OperationsFujikura Composites
Cannon, RyanExecutive DirectorGolf Tourism Solutions
Carlson, JustinVP -SalesThe Indoor Golf Shop
Carlson, ZachSr Manager, Fan EngagementPGA TOUR
Castro, RobertoDirectorCapTech Ventures, Inc.
Cheng, RobCEOKBS Shafts (By FEMCO Steel Technology)
Corley, JohnPresident, Club DivisionJonas Software USA LLC
Cornish, JamesDirector, Advanced AnalyticsTaylorMade Golf Company
Cottrill, GeoffChief Brand OfficerTopgolf Entertainment Group
Crimmin, MattHead of Corporate StrategyAcushnet Company
Crocker, ChrisChief Marketing OfficerArcis Golf
Crosson, AndrewManaging Director, Western RegionArcis Golf
Dear, GavinCCOShot Scope Technologies Ltd.
DeLozier, HenryPrincipalGGA Partners Phoenix
Donnell, StephenPresidentYamaha Golf-Car Company
Dotters, RyanBoard of DirectorsFull Swing Golf, Inc.
Dunn, ChristianDirector of Corporate DevelopmentConcert Golf Partners
Engle, RyanCo-Founder & CEOGOLF+
Evans, RhettCEOGolf Course Superintendents Association of America GCSAA
Everett, TomPresident-Landscapes Management CompanyLandscapes Golf Management
Failla, JohnFounderGolf Sustainability
Fierro, JasonCOOFull Swing Golf, Inc.
Fitzgerald, HeatherControllerNational Golf Foundation
Forsey, MikeCo- Founder & PresidentPayntr Golf
Fox, JohnR & R Products, Inc.
Frelich, MattSVP Sales and Business DevelopmentTrackman USA
Frisch, KevinCEOKevin Frisch PR
Funk, EdricGroup Vice President, Golf, Grounds & IrrigationThe Toro Company
Funk, ShaunDirector, Revenue Planning & AnalysisGolfNow At NBC Sports Next
Galbreth, JeremySenior Director of GolfMizuno USA Inc
Gibbons, PeterDirector of Golf - N.A.Rapsodo
Gilfillen, ChrisVP Operations, South Western RegionTouchstone Golf, LLC
Goldstrand, LeeVP of US SalesPING Golf Company
Haltom, HannahMarketing CoordinatorNational Golf Foundation
Han, JimmySenior Vice President Business DevelopmentCentury Golf Partners / Arnold Palmer Golf Management
Hardy, TedOEM Tour RepUST Mamiya
Henderson, JoePresidentPrideSports - Division of Gathr Outdoors
Hercksen, JonasGlobal Consumer Insights ManagerTaylorMade Golf Company
Hess, JohnDirector of MarketingGT Golf Supplies
Hilaire-Bona, JoeSenior Manager, Golfer InsightsAcushnet Company
Hilliard, MikePresidentPar Aide Products Co.
Hinckley, JimChief Executive OfficerCentury Golf Partners / Arnold Palmer Golf Management
Holder, BradVP Marketing Callaway and PenguinPerry Ellis International
Holt, RyanWest Regional Sales ManagerTopgolf Callaway Brands Corporation
Howe, DougPartner/Chief Operating OfficerCentury Golf Partners / Arnold Palmer Golf Management
Hunter, DavidFounder & CEOShot Scope Technologies Ltd.
Hutt, JakeCo-founderDryvebox Palo Alto
Ishizaka, NobuyaCEOGolf Digest Online Inc.
Isom, KimCFO
Jean, EmilyTerritory Sales ExecutivePrestwick Golf Group
Johnston, CraigPartnerGGA Partners Phoenix
Jones, SethEditor-In-ChiefGolfdom Magazine
Jung, SamPresidentHJ Glove of America, Inc.
Karamitsos, ChrisSenior Managing Director & PartnerLeisure Investment Properties Group, LLC
Keane, JimVP, Global Golf DivisionMarriott Golf
Kessler, CraigChief Operating OfficerPGA of America
Ketterman, MikeSr. Director of Corporate PartnershipsNational Golf Course Owners Association
King, MarkExecutive Emeritus, AdidasFriends of NGF Insider
Kohelis, PeterRegional Sales Manager - Golf DivisionMizuno USA Inc
Kuttler, SageSenior Director, Global Customer Development and BI&ATopgolf Callaway Brands Corporation
Ladd, DanPresident and General ManagerCobra Puma Golf
Langwell, JasonCROTMRW Sports Group
Lin, DavidCOOImperial Headwear
Lorentz, DavidChief Research OfficerNational Golf Foundation
Lowe, MikeSr. Sports Marketing & Product Exec. Brand Management & Digital TransformationAcushnet Company
Lucker, BruceCEOPerfect Golf Event / Signature Group
Mays, StevePresidentFounders Group International
McDonald, JamesNational Sales DirectorGolfzon America Inc.
McGrath, JayChief Legal OfficerTroon
McLaughlin, GregCEO WGF, President First TeeWorld Golf Foundation, Inc.
McLendon, KevinVP, Marketing ServicesNational Golf Foundation
Meracle, EricVP, SalesU.S. Kids Golf, LLC
Miraflor, JoseVP MarketingCobra Puma Golf
Miringoff, MikeGlobal OEM Sales ManagerGolf Pride
Mody, NevilleVice President, Precision IrrigationThe Toro Company Irrigation and Lighting Division
Murphy, ShannonDirector NAM Brand MarketingAdidas America, Inc.
Myers, MadisonExecutive CoordinatorNational Golf Foundation
Nathan, GregPresident and Chief Executive OfficerNational Golf Foundation
Obsitnik, StevePresident & COOArccos Golf
O'Keefe, RyanSr Director of MarketingFull Swing Golf, Inc.
Palmer, GregChief Executive OfficerGolfballs.Com
Pauli, MattVP and Director of MarketingStandard Golf Company
Pauli, MattVP and Director of MarketingStandard Golf Company
Peace, JordanSVP, Corporate DevelopmentConcert Golf Partners
Plaziak, JohnCEOU.S. Kids Golf, LLC
Pohll, AdamNational Account ManagerYamaha Golf-Car Company
Polanco, RyanGeneral Manager XXIOSrixon / Cleveland Golf / XXIO
Pyun, SeanCEOGolfzon America Inc.
Rafter, RyanVP - Loan Sale AdvisorHilco Real Estate, LLC
Recher, EricDirector of MarketingFujikura Composites
Riccardi, NicoleSr. Manager, Brand MarketingGolf Digest
Robison, GregNational Account ManagerYamaha Golf-Car Company
Saffioti, MichaelKey Account ManagerPGA Worldwide Golf Exhibitions
Sawin, JohnVP/Director of GolfPebble Beach Resorts
Schaaf, TylerBrand Experience ManagerMizuno USA Inc
Schantz, TimPresident & CEOTroon
Schielke, BrianSr Product ManagerSrixon / Cleveland Golf / XXIO
Schmidt, BenVP Major Accounts and PartnershipsGolfNow At NBC Sports Next
Schnider, DavePresident & CEOFujikura Composites
Smith, JohnVP of Supplier RelationsPrimera
Smith, JohnVP of Supplier RelationsPrimera
Solheim, JohnPresident & CEOPING Golf Company
Solomon, JaredCo-Founder & CEOFive Iron Golf Heralds Square - HQ
Spilka, RachaelNorth American Business Intelligence ManagerEnvu
Syed, SalCEO and Co-FounderArccos Golf
Templeton, BrentAssociate DirectorEPR Properties
Treadwell, CharlieFounding PartnerTomorrow Today
Triplett, ToddSVP Sales GolfNowGolfNow At NBC Sports Next
Ummel, TimCEOIZON Technology
Van De Veere, BrianPresidentGT Golf Supplies Co.
Van De Veere, BrianPresidentGT Golf Supplies Co.
Van Newkirk, ScottEVP, Global DevelopmentTroon
Ward, JoshuaVP of Business DevelopmentKemperSports Management, LLC
Williams, TomExecutive Vice PresidentArccos Golf
Willis, DirkVP, Golf, Landscape & RetailKohler Co.
Wright, JamesVP Business DevelopmentGOLF+
Yang, AdeelCo-founder/CEODryvebox
Zisman, MikeCo-Chief Executive OfficerGolf Genius Software